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12/13/2023 - Resilience and Strength in the Face of Adversity

The journey of a single mom with kidney disease is a testament to unwavering determination as they navigate a career, medical appointments, treatments and the emotional toll, all the while nurturing and supporting their family. Mauricia Ambrose is a mother, a real estate investor and an author. Mauricia is also on peritoneal dialysis and shares how she gets things done, introduced her illness and treatment to her son and includes him in the process.

Podcast Link: https://rsn-file-storage.us-southeast-1.linodeobjects.com/Kidney%20Talk_08.16.23_Mauricia%20Ambrose_Final.mp3
Website Link: https://www.rsnhope.org/kidneytalk/resilience-and-strength-in-the-face-of-adversity/
Source: Renal Support Network (KidneyTalk - An Online Radio Show By Renal Support Network)

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