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9/11/2023 - Hope for People Suffering from Itchy Skin

If itching is causing you discomfort or keeping you up a night, this show is for you! Itchy skin, medically referred to as pruritus, is a common and often distressing condition. The uncomfortable sensation can range from a mild annoyance to a severe, incessant itch, leading to scratching that may exacerbate the issue. Managing pruritus often involves identifying the underlying cause before finding a treatment that works. Listen in to hear Nidhi Sukul, MD and Lori discuss what might be the cause, questions to ask your doctor and a new treatment option.

Podcast Link: https://rsn-file-storage.us-southeast-1.linodeobjects.com/Kidney%20Talk_08.16.23_Dr.%20Sukul_Final.mp3
Website Link: https://www.rsnhope.org/kidneytalk/know-your-body-kidney-talk/hope-for-people-suffering-from-itchy-skin/
Source: Renal Support Network (KidneyTalk - An Online Radio Show By Renal Support Network)

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